Python Journey: Beginner Guide to Python

History of Python


Guido van Rossum the man behind the Python creation, in the late 1980s, wrote the Python language and released Python 0.9.0 as the first version of Python on 20th Feb, 1991. The language was named Python from a British sketch comedy TV. series Monty Python's Flying Circus from the 1970s.

With subsequent years of Python release, developers have worked around the various Python versions of Python, and in 2000, Python released version 2.0 Later on, the last version of Python 2 was, Python 2.7.18, released in 2020. Now it has been running on the current version of Python 3 as 3.11.5 in 2023.

What is Python?

Python is a programming language to talk to the computer like we use words to talk to each other. Computers are smart so we need to make them understand specially and this is where Python comes in handy. It is easy to read and write which makes it a perfect choice for beginners.

Introduction to Python

Since the Python language was launched, it has become not only one time but umpteen times, one of the most loved programming languages in the tech world. Python is famous among beginners because general-purpose programming language, easy-to-learn concepts, and simplicity of syntax.

Over time Python has become so popular that now 9 out of 10 new beginners start their programming career with Python because of its powerful and versatile concept.

Hence it has become the preferred programming language for beginners as well as programmers and this is the reason why Python has been chosen for various types of projects such as data science, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc.

Key features of Python

1. Python is a high-level language, which means that understanding this language is as easy as understanding human language. In other words, Python is more closer to human language than to machine or computer language.

2. It is an interpreted language, which means that it does not need to be compiled before it runs. This makes it easier to develop and debug Python code.

3. It is a dynamically typed language, which means that the type of a variable is determined at runtime. This makes it more flexible than statically typed languages.

4. The Python language has a large community group, which means that learners who want to learn Python can find tons of online resources around the world as well as help from the community group with millions of learners on various projects.

Why should I choose Python as a beginner language?

There are many reasons why I chose Python as my first programming language. As a Python learner, I enjoy coding in Python.

If I share my learning experience with you, learning Python language is just like understanding human language or talking to a child (frankly, Python is not this easy, but it is).

From my learning experience so far, I have found that Python is more like speaking and understanding human language than machine language.

Reasons to love Python

1. Python is easy to learn and understand since it's based on human natural language i.e., English.

2. It encouraged me to see that Python has been chosen by millions of learners across the world.

3. Its simple syntax helps learners understand the indentation to define the code blocks and makes it easy to read the high code.

4. It reduces the learning pressures and enables you to focus on understanding programming logic rather than getting stuck in complex syntax.

5. With Python, you can achieve more in fewer lines of coding, which boosts your confidence and encourages you to explore further.

One more reason is that Python holds the group of biggest developers and community helpers, who are eager to help you in Python programming and ready to share the knowledge across the world.

I know these reasons are not enough to tell you what a beautiful language Python is, but you must have the idea that if you learn Python, you will also be contributing to a built-in community of helpers. Python will not only teach you the language but also enable you to easily solve real-life problems by making your own contribution.

Believe me, this is a journey from where you would only like to move on and on. Just Delay is your one step towards this journey where millions of community helpers as well as developers are waiting for you to contribute and be a part of this journey with you.

Keep Learning and Exploring

Learning Python is like speaking with a computer or trying to make it understand the human language. You will not become a Python master in a day, but if you practice every day, you will definitely be able to achieve it today.  

We have many resources online like tutorials, blogs, and videos to help us. Always keep one thing in mind never be afraid to make mistakes because man learns only from mistakes - that's how you learn!

Remember, programming is not all about putting yourself into the bunches of code but it is all about solving puzzles and building things. So keep learning, keep coding, keep exploring, and most importantly keep enjoying the journey with the millions of Python learners.

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